Reviews that speak for themselves

Certificate of Excellence

2015 - 2025

Our vision has proven its mettle

On Tripadvisor, the world's largest travel portal, guests evaluate their accommodation honestly and independently. In the Gletscherblick’s case, this predominantly means satisfied, even enthusiastic reviews. If the average overall score on TripAdvisor is at least four out of five stars throughout the year, Tripadvisor will award a Certificate of Excellence. It’s an award you can’t buy or actively pursue!

Only around 10% of all businesses on TripAdvisor earn this exclusive quality rating over time. We have held it since the end of 2018 and do so with pride, gratitude and full motivation to continue to inspire you!

Hotel Gletscherblick Receives Top Marks in the Travellers' Choice Award 2018

Trip advisor, the world’s largest travel website, just handed out its highest honours. In the category “Top 25 Small Hotels – Austria,” our establishment was awarded an incredible 2nd place. And  in the category “Top 25 Hotels with the Best Service – Austria,” we were ranked 8th. And it’s all because of you!

We thank you!

It’s you, our guests, who have made this possible. It is not a matter of course that you take the time after your holiday to give a detailed hotel evaluation and thus make it easier for other people to make their decision. Simply put, a recommendation rate of 100% makes us proud and happy. It spurns us on to maintain our highest standards and to continue improving.

Praise for our team

Best performances, as honoured by the Travellers' Choice Award, are of course the work of the many and not the few. Well deserved recognition belongs to the entire Jehle-Kathrein host family and the exceptionally motivated employees. Together, they create the special Gletscherblick spirit that you absolutely have to experience yourself.